
Are you one of those? Are you a perfectionist? In everything? In certain ‘important’ areas only? Do you ever ‘settle’ for less? How much does being a perfectionist control you? And, most importantly, who defines what perfection is for you? Sometimes I think that it isn’t a problem being a perfectionist as much as it is a problem dealing with those people and situation who aren’t.

I grew up with the saying that… “if it’s worth doing then it’s worth doing well.” I really have no idea who initially created that saying but if you are like me, you are stuck with that approach to life. I have no option but to do the absolute best I can in any given situation or decide to opt out of any involvement. And if you start an involvement you are pretty well stuck at following it through to completion. It really is an all or nothing at all approach.

One of the definitions of perfectionism is that anything short of perfection is unacceptable. Actually Webster defines the word in terms of perfection of moral character, which constitutes a person’s highest good. That definition does elevate the word and it personalizes it at the same time. This gives one both a sense of comfort as well as a responsibility.

If I’ve been unclear then let me say that I do value the perfectionist’ attitude and approach toward life. The issue really is whether I accept this as my personal philosophy and/or expect the same from others. Perhaps that’s where problems arise. We really can’t expect others to act from this philosophical base. Besides, we don’t know their definitions. However, the true test is whether or not we are able to forgive ourselves when we don’t live up to our own standard. We can be disappointed that we didn’t but we have to move on. Remember… if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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