TOO busy!

Do those two words define you? Not just describe but really define your life? Does the phrase – stop and smell the roses – totally irritate you? Are you part of the great – I’m too busy – horde? OK… stop for just a moment and look at your life. WHAT are you busy doing? Does what you do provide challenge, adventure, pleasure, learning, creativity, etc. to your day? IF it does then you are blessed. IF it doesn’t then you need to take stock at where you are now and where you’d prefer to be. And… how to get to where you want to be.

If you are too busy to analyze then I venture to say you don’t want to look at your options. And before you cry ‘foul’, seriously consider your reasons about analyzing and options. We always, always, always have options.  But… is that the problem – you don’t see your options? And, analyzing simply intensifies your helpless feeling? Yes, you have responsibilities. Yes, you have obligations. but Yes, you have options. However, to take the risk to analyze and then to risk to develop options and then to risk to act on your decision… is a big risk. But is there any other option to analyze? The decision is whether we’re willing to pay the price of change or the price of staying with the status quo.

Change is a risk, is a potential problem. But not making a change is a risk, a potential problem. Both will cost you something but can you go on indefinitely only ‘going through the motions’? Meaninglessness is really a high price to pay. And all the unhappiness you are experiencing becomes intensified when life holds little or no joy. Most of us can endure anything for a short time, but if it is the standard and you see no way out then sometimes being too busy is an armor, a weird protection.

If you delight in being too busy… why? What is happening for you that makes this a preferred lifestyle? Do you hear yourself saying things like: when I have time I’ll… or, I’d love to do (fill in the blank) but I really don’t have any free time… or, sounds like fun – I’ll do it when there is more time. Reality says that the hoped for upcoming ‘free time’ never comes. Make the decision to look at what’s asking to be considered and what’s stopping you – is TOO busy dictating, what owns your life?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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