Plans… subject to change

  I’m a great believer in goal setting. And I dearly love checking off an object benchmark on my way to the goal. However, I’m also open to either a different approach to attaining the goal or a complete change entirely (and yes, I always have a vested interest in attaining the goal or I wouldn’t start in the first place). Another way of saying that is to say – if God wants to interrupt what I’m doing, for whatever reason, I have absolutely no problem with this.

  That ‘interruption’ may take the form of another person making an observation or comment, or it could be that disquieting check in my spirit that makes me rethink, or it could be new information that changes either the goal or the path to the goal. Whatever the basis for the interruption – it causes an analysis of what and why and how concerning the goal.

  I don’t consider these interruptions as a ‘no’, don’t proceed but neither do I dismiss them. I consider them as pauses. Pauses are really kind of neat because in the pause you reconsider based on current knowledge not then (start of project) knowledge. However if it’s a God ‘no’ then change the goal, plan. The one thing I’ve learned is that you really can trust Him and that He has your best interests at heart… because He does. It has taken me a long time to not need a ‘why’ response when it is a God ‘no’ – all other no’s I do need a why.

  Plans are important but they really can’t be in cement because life isn’t in cement. At the same time, never consider Plans as fickle either. By definition, Plans have a purpose, a reason, not a ‘sounds like a good idea’. Plans are always a capital ‘P’. Plans are strong because often they have to withstand all of what man and nature throws at them. Plans are also based on timing – sometimes the plan is good but the timing isn’t. You can ‘own’ a plan… but never let the plan own you or you’ll find your feet in cement.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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