The promise in you

  I hold to the belief that everyone has a promise in them. And fulfilling that promise is what drives us. However… finding what that promise is becomes the challenge, the adventure – but it does depend on our mindset, our attitude. It really is up to us as to how we approach discovering our promise. Example: if we go into the discovery with preconceived ideas of what it is and what it can’t be then this is precisely what we’ll find… not more, not different. However if we enter into this adventure with only a discovery mindset then we are open to a more exciting possibility.

  There are a number of scriptures that are ripe with hope related to our promise. They tell us that we will never be asked to do more than we are capable of (not our determination – capable) but we will be equipped with all we need… when we need it. Jeremiah 29:11(-13) is one of those scriptures as is Ephesians 2: 10 – even if you had only those two scriptures, they are more than enough to strengthen us when we run into roadblocks. Obviously there are more scriptures designed to encourage us, since God keeps telling us – we are able.

  One of the teachings Paul provides the church is found in 1 Corinthians 12:13-27. Paul is attempting to use the body as an example to show how important each part is to the proper functioning of the whole. But it is in understanding and appreciating each part that the body is complete. That is why your promise is so important to the body and why the body waits for you to discover and share your part. The problem typically stems from the fact that everyone sees that certain parts appear to be more glamorous or more valued. And thus… more coveted.

  Your part in the body is related to your promise. Once you know your part then you can activate your promise. Without you sharing your part the body will not be functioning at full capacity. But what is truly exciting is that when you step out you experience such a sense of fulfillment, of purpose and thus of fruitfulness. The promise is in you… you need to be confident enough to share.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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