The wrong you

    What do you do when that part of you, the wrong you, emerges? How do you deal with the ‘wrong side’ of you? We all seem to have that ‘nature’ as part of our package – you know… when you say or do something you really wished you hadn’t. Or maybe you decided not to do something you committed to but you didn’t bother letting anyone know. These kind of wrong you behaviors.

  No one can deny that they have these parts in their personality. And no, you can’t just wish them away. Ignoring doesn’t ameliorate their ‘speaking’ – you have to do one of two things: accept that the wrong you exists and do nothing to improve you or decide to control the tongue that misspeaks so often and the thought processes that are insensitive. The latter choice will require an intentionality of thought on your part and a heightened awareness that can never slack off.

  Do you listen to you? Do you watch what you do? Those two steps are critical to an intentionality approach to self improvement. This is not meant to be viewed as a squelch of your personality nor should you be so intent that there isn’t any spontaneity. What I’m suggesting is that you become more aware of what you say and how you say it; become more conscious of your behavior and the ramifications that emanate from it.

  I would never suggest that you compromise your thoughts nor who you are. It’s your uniqueness that adds flavor and spice to interactions but let’s face it… we all need improving. This doesn’t have to be a tense reaction on your part – just a conscious awareness.  The ‘wrong you’ will emerge and when you are aware of it – do something about correcting your words or actions and then learn from the situation. You don’t have to repeat wrong you… you really can improve and grow.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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