Is it worth it???

  What you’ve had to do to be where you are… what you’ve had to give up… is it worth it? Are you happy, pleased with your journey thus far? Are you excited about what you see as your future? Are you going in the direction you want to? Are the sacrifices you’ve made to be where you are at this moment in time… has it all been worth the struggle, the choices you’ve had to make?   Those weren’t idle questions. And if you suddenly find yourself not where you want to be… what will make it ‘worth it’?

  I’m the introspective type so I tend to ask these questions as I go on my journey. The reason is that if I find myself close to the end of a particular ‘trip’ and I’m not certain how I got to where I am… I would really hate to find that I’ve wasted my time, energy, resources on something that isn’t important to me. Tiny adjustments as we go are easier to ‘handle’ then arriving at the close of the journey and finding myself totally dismayed at the end.

  ‘…is it worth it?’ questions are as important as any because it goes to the heart of your behavior and actions n-o-w. If you look at what you are doing and becoming and don’t like what you see then the first question needs to be – is this a phase? Do I need to do this now in order to be who and where I want to be? If it isn’t worth it now… is there any chance it will be worth it later? Remember that hard or difficult times now may not last indefinitely. Is your goal worth your payments now?

  Obviously my answer would be that if it isn’t worth it now and you can’t see any value for later, then change. But that’s not so easy to accomplish, especially when it impacts other lives.  But can you continue with a half hearted involvement? If you can’t then you need to let those who are committed of your  change and together discover options that are available – which may include a replacement for you. If you feel you can make it ‘worth it’ for yourself then you have the choice to continue or not. The bottom line is – don’t lie to yourself. The project may be worth it but your involvement may not.

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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