
  How do you handle panic? Do you panic easily, swept along by the behavior of those around you? Do you add to the panic or are you a calming force? Or… are you the source of the panic? Panic in others many times takes us by surprise and our response is often in direct proportion to the displayed panic. Our own panic is typically reactive. But… do you react or do you assess first? If you’re like most, the answer is – panic.

  And panic accomplishes…? Right! Absolutely nothing. Other than adding to the ensuing chaos. There may be a perfectly logical reason to panic but not until you know the facts (and potential resolutions). If the panic is a reasonable response then I would suggest that your responsibility is to not panic and to provide ‘cooler heads’. If there’s a reason to panic then safety (however that is defined in this particular situation) needs to be the focus. …however. Panic rarely is logical. And, I would suggest, rarely a response that will respond to resolution.

  But, if panicking is not the best response… what can you do? … especially if everyone around you is panicking. Surprisingly, a calming ‘force’ does help. Someone who is able to calm other’s fears will emerge as the current leader. Because there is nothing more effective than a person who appears to know what to do to resolve the current issue/problem. This typically needs to be accompanied by specific action not just intellectual thought.

  Panic does not need to control the situation in which you find yourself. It really is your choice… even if you don’t have all the answers. You know the other participants and their abilities, you can see the situation – therefore, you are able to construct, at least, the beginning steps toward resolution. Actually… simply bringing calm to the situation is the best response to – PaNic!

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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