
  Have you ever considered that anyone else attempting to be you would come in a very poor second? If so… or if not, then consider that if you are trying to be/act like someone else you are a very poor second of them? It’s true – it’s only the original of whatever/whoever it is that makes the perfect… them. And if you aren’t enjoying your originality, rather than imitating someone else, what is it you want (need?) to be you?

  Actually I’m of the mindset that once a person comes into this world, regardless of their ‘how’, the mold is broken – it’s totally impossible to have a second one. And that includes identical twins – each one is slightly different from the other. So why would you ever try and duplicate someone else? You’ve not walked in their shoes – felt their joys and pains, successes and not, etc. – how could you be  them? You can’t! No matter how ‘great’ they are, regardless – you won’t, can’t be them.

  You can always admire another person… how they present themself to the ‘world’- but unless you experienced everything that person has and reacted in precisely the same way – you will never be who they are. But why would you want to? If there are qualities that are part of who they are then this you can cultivate in your style. To accomplish this you will have to know what the quality is, why you’d want to emulate it, and develop it into your personal frame of reference.

  Personally I’ve always like that I’m an original – the only one that’s precisely me. It’s not that I’m perfect but this gives me a foundation to grow, to change, to develop. I’ve always lived with me, albeit not always comfortably, but ‘I’ know what and where I need to grow, change, develop. If I’m trying to imitate someone else then I’m not involved with improving me. Remember, it’s you, your originality that brings something unique to the situation – no one can bring/be what you can. Original is terrific. 

…but, what do you think? what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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