Answer(s) to prayer…

  You always get an answer to your prayers. Always. Let me say that again – you ALWAYS get an answer to prayer! However, it may not be the answer you want. Your way, your answer may not be the best answer and it certainly isn’t the only answer. Typically though we think our answer is the ‘right and true’ answer. Unfortunately I think that far too many people pray, “Thy* will be done…” The asterisk after Thy indicating – according to my thinking.

  However, how do you react when the answer comes that isn’t your answer? Pout? Attempt to exert your answer? Decide that prayer doesn’t work? Perhaps, somewhere on the gracefully scale, accept? If you stand on scripture when you pray (my bias that that’s the only way to effectively pray) then you probably return to scripture to prove your point… to God? That would be somewhat silly – He knows what He’s said.

  You need to also look at how you’re praying His word. But you may not be praying with the correct understanding of the scripture… or the situation… or the participants… or… But remember His Word does accomplish what He set it to and He changes not. And His ways are higher than our ways… I could go on but the point has been made. If your answer to prayer doesn’t seem to be the answer then maybe you need to look at how you’re praying.

  Answers can sometimes seem like a subjective response. I suspect that it’s the reason that I try and pray by stating the situation as I see it and asking that His will prevail. Simplistic. Probably but I really don’t have the consummate wisdom to always be right. If I don’t predetermine the ‘right’ answer then I am open to the surprise and delight when resolution occurs. Part of the reality is that God presents us with the best response but He also allows us to choose so your answer may be the best answer but the people involved rejected it.

…but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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