Places NOT to visit

  There are some places that no one should visit. However, we all do find ourselves on these paths, occasionally, but when we do we should change direction. Actually if on these paths we should stop ourselves, turn around, and possibly run as fast as we can. These places only lead to other more undesirable places and if we stay on them long enough… will undermine all that is positive in our lives. The path will consume us.

  One of those ‘don’t visit’ paths is Anger. Anger is not a place to be in. Anger is a path that eventually leads to hatred. And Hatred is completely consuming. At one point I thought anger could function as a great motivator. It does, and it can. One problem, however, is that it tends to be self defeating since much of the activity is directed not at the issue but at a person(s). Another problem is that since we all do get angry, we need to harness that energy rather than lashing out. Getting rid of the emotional energy is good as long as it isn’t directed at others. (Unfortunately) I’ve discovered that when I lashed out it was at the person handiest not necessarily the person involved.

  Self sufficiency is another ‘don’t visit’. It can be lonely. And, it is a bit of a delusion anyway. Besides, why would you want to be in a place where you were the only one? There are books and poems and songs that tell us that we all need one another. We do! It’s true. And yes, others can let you down (as you do also) – but that isn’t the point. Alone we don’t have all the resources or energy or ability to always accomplish all that needs to be done. Together we can. 

  Self aggrandizing is not a place to visit – it leaves a bad taste. If you are attempting to ‘climb up whatever ladder you’re on’ on the backs of others you are also deluding yourself – it will eventually come home to roost. Self promotion is never effective … except to make you extremely unpopular and others suspicious of you, your words, your actions. Credit should always go to those who have spent their time and effort. If that’s you then it will be apparent.

  These are only a couple of the places one should not visit. There are others… some worse, some not as bad. The point about these places is that they all are hurtful – to others and eventually to yourself.

…but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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