
  Are you generous? Perhaps just as important… do others see you as generous? Do you want to be considered as a generous person? Now the crux of the question – generous about/with what? Your time? Your resources? Your thoughts? Your you? Generous is as much about the intangible as is is the material. Generous is always a choice. Generous is visible, something ‘seen’ as well as known. It is a lifestyle as much as it is a description or a ‘title’. But it must be open handed… without conditions.

  Regardless, how do you define generous? And do you personalize your definition? Webster defines the word primarily with adjectives: unselfish, unsparing, unstinting, magnanimous, liberal. But the implication is that this is from a bountiful supply. Does this mean that only those who have an unlimited supply can be generous? Of course not. But it does imply the attitude of generous. I believe that there is the implication of ‘above and beyond’ that defines generous.

  There are many people who would like to be seen as generous… as long as it doesn’t cost them anything.  But if generous comes only from a bountiful supply, is it generosity? More important is our motives – are we generous or do we simply want to be considered as generous? Thoughtful questions that cause us to rethink our own actions… and our belief about the word. 

  It isn’t mandated that you be generous but part of the definition is – unconditional. There’s no quid pro quo involved. You shouldn’t expect to be rewarded for your generosity. The important aspect is your attitude – if you expect to be rewarded when you are generous then I question your word usage.
For some, this behavior – a generous spirit – does define them, is their lifestyle, and typically is pervasive.

…but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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