The Blatant Christian

  The starting place is a definition – what is and is not a blatant? To me ‘blatant’ is a person who IS what they say. It’s not necessarily an ‘in your face’ person, yet they don’t compromise their beliefs – they live them. Their witness is visible in their behavior. Which means I don’t adhere to Webster’s definition. Blatant doesn’t need to fight to be heard because it’s as much an ‘is’ as it is a behavior, a particular belief. It is obvious, not hidden; it is unmistakable, it is confident, and it is able to withstand whatever challenges it.  Bottom line… does this define you as a Christian?

  Perhaps another way to look at this is… are you comfortable being a Christian in front of others? Or do you take the ‘live and let live’ approach? This is lukewarm at best. You don’t want to push your beliefs on others? Why? Don’t you care for them? Aren’t you aware of their ‘final resting place’ if they don’t make a decision for the Lord? Granted – you can’t make another believe but you can make them aware. Your expression may be the catalyst that causes another person to re-examine what they believe.

  If there’s only one word to describe blatant it has to be passion. And passion is expressed in a myriad of ways – but it is expressed. Another scripture says that we do the planting, the watering but it is God who makes the increase. He has empowered us to plant and water – that’s what we do. And each of us has our own unique way of expressing our planting or watering but increase only occurs when we do our part.
  Our blatant expression is a message that a hurting, dying world needs to hear. It isn’t false hope and it becomes powerful in the lives of those who express their Christianity and to those who see and hear the message. You have to admit that all the other voices are being expressed but are those voices expressing a true hope? Being blatant doesn’t force others to accept but it does witness to what has happened in your life. 

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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