Looking in the rear view mirror…

is that how you are living your life? Looking in the rear view mirror … for threats or enemies? for past successes? Obviously, the problem in looking in the rear view mirror is that you aren’t aware of what’s in your line of vision. How can you see the obstacle in front of you? or the beautiful view? or the curve coming up? or the person coming toward you? or…

  A quick glance backward is inevitable – we all do it. But continuing to look in that direction rarely is conducive to engaging what’s in front of you. But why is it that we look back? What do we hope to find? Perhaps we’re hoping we actually didn’t do or say what we know we did? Trying to savor a success? Attempting to get clues in order to handle the challenges we face? All the above. It isn’t unusual to relive yesterday – the problem is living then … today.

  History is suppose to provide us understanding of what happened – then. And it is true that until we learn the lessons of yesterday we are doomed to repeat them. Looking back, remembering’s purpose is to aid us in understanding but it is not where we are to take up residence. Besides, the ‘ingredients’ from yesterday have changed and you really recreate all the components precisely. Why you would want to still remains the puzzlement.

  Nostalgia really is all that it’s cracked up to be and the funny stories from yesterday are still amusing. Remember them fondly. If the memories are ‘hard’ then use the experience(s) to develop new ways of coping and/or overcoming similar situations. But staying in that momentary time warp won’t allow you to savor what’s happening in your now… even if your now is hard.

…but what do you think? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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