
  They say that timing is everything… and I tend to agree. Unfortunately, in the critical, philosophical issues of life I tend to have absolutely terrible timing. It’s not that I am late – I am never late (one of the hallmarks from my father). However, I do tend to be early. I seem to get ahead of God’s plan which can lead to less than positive results. And… being early is just as bad as being late!

  Part of my problem, in my estimation, is that I am so eager to be of use I get excited and preempt the action. Adding to this is my tendency to hear only the first part of the sentence before I go off riding into places angels wouldn’t even go. I don’t always remember that sometimes God is giving us information to be used later rather than acting on now. Not me. I’m off and doing… No, God is not surprised and He keeps giving me opportunities to be still and learn. And I really am considerably better.

  Is there such a thing as The perfect time? I don’t know, but I doubt it. I do believe that there are better times than others and, uncontradictory, there are times you have to act regardless of the timing. The point is – why are you acting NOW? Have you taken the time to look at the conditions and the potential ramifications of acting now rather than waiting? Have you determined the best way you can act, if it is to be now? Point is… have you taken the time to assess (and this does not have to take hours, it can take moments)?

  What becomes the motivator? Your desire to do something or to do what you should be doing? If effectiveness is your goal or if the best possible result is your goal then you’ll take the time to see if this is the time. It may be, it may be later. Stop a moment and remember a time when the ‘stars were aligned’ and everything came together… such a spectacular feeling. That is always worth waiting for.

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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