What’s it all about???

  Do you ever find yourself asking this question? Perhaps frustrated. Perhaps confused. But definitely needing an answer. And not just any old answer or someone else’s answer – your answer! Of course you’ve been in this quandary… probably multiple times. But the real question is – did you find your answer? Or at least enough of an answer to continue until you once again came face-to-face with this question. Then what? What happened to the answer? Do you feel that there is something ‘missing’ in your life?

  It probably could be argued that how you behave during these times really defines your character. If nothing else, it does define what you do when you are in a direction-less state. What you fall back on during these times does speak volumes about who you are. So what do you rely on? What do you do when there doesn’t seem to be anything you can do?

  Everyone develops their own coping mechanisms to extricate themselves from these situations but the effectiveness is the question. Does it extricate you permanently? For long periods? Quick return? Can the mechanism be applied in all cases? No one wants a quick out and then return to the same state. I suspect we all seek some peace from the issue that’s plaguing us. Our basic problem is to not compromise in order to escape to even a momentary peace.

  One danger we all seem to face is to rush to judgment – make a decision, any decision whether or not it seems to be your answer. But let me propose a series of simple steps as an alternative. First: stop, do nothing and calm down. When you don’t have an answer to what’s it’s all about, don’t simply land on the first thing that strikes you. Two: pray. Ask the answer-giver for direction. God’s right there, let him help. Three: analyze what it is that you want it to be about – your answer. Four: look at where you are and where you want to be and see if you can discern a path. Five: stop again, see if your path is the best way to resolving your question. Six: once, on the way, reassess as you go along because new information can change your path, your answer.

  What’s it’s all about… it’s about You. And about who you are and what you do. If you are confused or frustrated then something’s happened to alter your situation. You need your questions to arrive at your answers.

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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