Count your blessings…

  Do you? Or do you focus on your needs, wants, situation, etc.? Do you ever count your blessings? There was a song, actually three but I’m referring to Irving Berlin’s, called “Count Your Blessings” that became a huge ‘hit’ in 1954. It calls on us, especially in the difficult times, to remember our blessings and think on them, to count them one by one.

  I realize that in the midst of the difficulties we may currently be facing that it’s extremely difficult to shift our focus from our current ‘what is’ to a mindset of looking at the blessings we have received, ‘have’ being the operative word. However, it’s what’s been that should encourage us and rally our faith. One of my favorite scriptures is found in Isaiah 50:2 when God asked man if man thinks that God’s arm is too short that He cannot save. The rhetorical question is answered with – ‘No’. He always is present and able.. and does act on our behalf.

  Hard and difficult times always come, it is inevitable. But how we respond to them is in our control.  We may be at the mercy of something or someone else but our response is all ours. When these times come, your attitude and past behavior of reacting to difficulties immediate come into our consciousness. I am not suggesting that you deny or ignore what is happening – that’s foolishness, but I do suggest that you remember that God has a plan, He’s not surprise at what’s happening, He will provide a way through.

  The Christian version of this title is a very old hymn by Johnson Oatman and tells us: “When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.” The point is that we have truly been blessed innumerable times but we tend to forget them. However, if we ‘rehearse’ by remembering then we’ll see the marvelous and mighty hand of the Lord. He always comes to our aid.

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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