A simple equation

  I have said in countless ways, countless times that it is what we believe, how we think, what we feel that is demonstrated in our behavior, our actions – a simple formula. So why am I beating a dead horse? Probably because I don’t think you can say it enough. It is so fundamental, so critical that you need to know, deep in your spirit, this truth. When you look at your behavior, your actions it speaks volumes about what you believe, think, and feel; unfortunately while it is obvious to others it may not be to us. All are intimately interwoven. Do you see the relationship, the equation?

  A simple example: you can’t talk about love with anger in your heart – what you believe or think or feel will be seen and believed more than your words. The opposite of what you say you believe and think and feel is mirrored by your actions, your behavior. And what others see will always be given more credence. Children intuitively know this. Have you ever said something, somewhat unthinking, to a child and then seen their look of ‘ya right’? You know, just as others do, when there is a disconnect between belief and action.

  Hiding what you really believe, I think, is totally ineffective. I realize that there are countless numbers of people that would disagree with me. Perhaps a more accurate statement is a question – why would you hide what you believe? Are you protecting yourself? And to what end and at what cost? Actually, what is the easiest to change – behavior or thinking? But my point is that, minimally, you have to be honest with yourself because you fool no one.

  Believe+Think+Feel = Behavior, Action. It is a simple equation to really know what is believed and not by just words. What you do always speaks volumes. Can it lie? Interesting question. My initial response is – no because it is what you do that defines for you and everyone else your beliefs and thoughts. But, perhaps you can change your behavior to disguise your true thoughts and feelings. However, I don’t believe you can sustain this. And to what purpose?

… but what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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