
  Do you feel blessed? Do you know you’re blessed? Do you ACT like you’re blessed? The last question is the most important but is based on your answers to the first two questions. Blessed is not arrogant, it simply is a confidence in who (and whose) you are and the path you are on. It defines your mental state, your mindset. It doesn’t mean that everything you do or that happens to you is terrific, but it does provide the foundation for you continuing.

  One of the most important of Jesus’ teachings is His Sermon on the Mount – the Beatitude sermon (Matthew 5:3-12). In it He delineates 9 blessings. These are available to those who experience salvation and He was teaching His followers what was available to them. I believe that the blessings are meant to be an encouragement as well because they also indicate the behaviors and mindset that Christians are suppose to practice. The problem typically comes when we attempt to define what this looks like in behavior. The answer comes from watching Jesus’ behavior in demonstrating these blessings.

  Paul also provides a context when he tells the church (Ephesians 1:3) that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Paul was attempting to instill in the church that we have these blessings now – not just when we are in heaven. And… note that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing not every material blessing. ‘Material’ is part of the ‘things’ that come with seeking Him (Matthew 6:33). Never underestimate the power of the spiritual.

  Blessed requires that you walk in what we see in Matthew 5 and how Jesus demonstrates this. So often we get deflected due to man’s interpretation. And you? Does blessed describe who you are and how you live? It’s interesting to discover the definition of ‘blessed’: indicates large or of long duration, an adjective suggesting happy, supremely blessed – a condition in which congratulations are in order, a grace word that expresses the special joys and satisfaction granted the person who experiences salvation. (Spirit Filled Life Bible, NKJV) Is this you?

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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