There’s so much more…

  I know I’ve written about what is available to us when we accept the Lord’s invitation to believe on Him before but I believe it bears repeating, besides, it’s totally impossible to cover the depth and breadth of the subjects I choose in only 4 paragraphs. In this particular case, I’m referencing salvation. First – we are nowhere without salvation – it is critical, it is the first step. But… there’s so much more. I often used the analogy of being invited to a sumptuous feast and only partaking in the soup course. If you stop at salvation and do nothing more then this is precisely what you are doing. And this is not diminishing the importance of salvation!

  The life you enter into when you are saved is full, is exciting, is challenging. God takes what we give Him, us, and adds to it so that we are able to not just exist in this life but to ‘live life abundantly’. There are many scriptures that repeat this condition to live abundantly – that’s what’s prepared. While this is not our final destination, while we are here we aren’t suppose to just sit around and wait. An active life is prepared for us.

 In order to know and understand what has been prepared for us we need to look into scripture and see how Jesus was teaching and preparing His disciples. While it is a model we can emulate, the teachings also describe what has happened, what we need to do, and how we need to proceed. So much is given us when we are saved, and there is little doubt that salvation is the first step. But there are more steps or why the emphasis on our walk? Provision is made for every aspect of our lives, it’s up to us to discover and walk in them.

  We weren’t saved only for our own benefit. However I’m convinced that even if I/you were the only person alive, Jesus would still have done all that he did to save and redeem us. But there really is more… read again Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus is not providing a suggestion, He is giving us a directive – go, make disciples, teach. Before we can do what we have been directed to do, we have to study to show ourselves approved ‘… rightly dividing the word of truth.’ (2Timothy 2:15) It’s critical to know what we know in order to present it. Ultimately we are making disciple-makers of those we disciple.

…but, what do you think? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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