Daily walk

  In your daily walk, how much of your time, consciously, is spent in talking with the Lord? Do you toss Him a prayer at the start of your day and then try to remember at night to speak to Him? Or is He so real to you that you involve Him in the moment-by-moments of your life?  It is, and it always has been, about relationship. Without an intimate relationship (which, by the way, is something the Lord seeks to engage in with us) you are handcuffing yourself and eliminating the strongest ‘asset’ you have.

  Let me ask the same question slightly differently. Since the time you accepted Jesus as Lord how has your relationship changed/increased/improved? When you look at your communication with the Lord over the last few days and weeks, how would you characterize it? Only prayer? More extensive communication, and if so, what are the topics? Does listening ever occur? Communication implies two-way and involves talking and listening… Do you hear Him in His word? Do you see Him in His creation?

  So, in your day… how do you interrelate? How do you and the Lord come together in the day? Granted He’s always there but do you invite Him to participate? He is so accessible and desires mutual involvement – I know that sounds fantastic, but it is true. And the fascinating thing is that as you begin to ‘see’ Him and relate to Him moment-by-moment, you grow in your relationship. I’ve always been convinced that relationships don’t grow in a vacuum. Unless there is interaction the relationship becomes starved and can die, minimally it does atrophy.

  If you are like most people, your day is full, your plate is overflowing. All the more need to have someone who understands and can help you in and through your day… and will take the time to be with you and to talk to you in ways you can hear. Regardless of how many friends and family you have, they have full lives too and even though they may like to help, they may not be able to. However, there is One who has been with you from your beginning and will always be with you. The Lord. He has forgiven you, He knows what’s best for you, and He loves you. That trifecta is available for you. Besides… it’s nice to have company to talk with during the walk.

…but, what do you believe?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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