Decisions, decisions…

  How you go about making decisions is really, really important. Yes, the decision is the essential focus and point and then acting on it, but do not diminish the importance of how you go about making the decision in the first place.  I realize that is an obvious comment but that doesn’t make it less accurate or less dramatic. Adopting a form of mindless approach to making decisions will result in potential unwanted results.

  Do you know how you make decisions? Reasoned? Impulse? With ‘study’ and research? Spontaneously? Where do you turn to get the information you need to make your decisions? How fast do you decide? And these are only the obvious issues involved in making decisions. Bottom line is you need to know your style of decision making. I really hate to make decisions on the fly, unless it is a harmless entertainment based decision. I don’t like to be pushed into making a decision but once I have decided then I don’t like to wait to act on it. That defines my style. Yours?

  When the decision is between two opposites then the decision is easy – you choose the one that matches your standards. But what do you do when the decision is basically between two ‘goods’ or worse, between two ‘bads’? (I leave the definition of good and bad up to you.) The point is that unless you take the initiative to ‘engage’ the issues related to the decision then the decision will be foisted upon you and you’ve loss the ‘edge’. And these occurrences happen quite often.

  Throughout our lives we are faced with countless decisions… daily. How we determine our answer to these issues is a character point.   We need to know how we behave when faced with a decision, regardless of the level of significance. However, it is in those situations that are critical, that are extremely important and need to be determined quickly that informs us of who we are. It IS our character, our attitude that determines the foundation of our actions.

… but, what do you think?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

What do you think?


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