Where are you???

  Do you know? Accepting the fact that we are on a journey called Life, where are you on your journey? And no, I’m not talking about your chronological age… I’m talking about your personal age. Are you still in the beginning of your journey – gathering supplies and mapping out your directions? Or perhaps you are on your journey, but where on the journey – middle (whatever that means)? Maybe you’re at the end of your journey… are you pleased? relieved? wanting to retrace steps to make corrections or changes? Looking at yourself at this precise moment… are you where you thought you’d be, want to be, need to be?

  Too often it is on hindsight that we discover, with a bit of surprise, that we are where we are. That where we thought we would be is different from the reality. Sometimes that’s better, sometimes that’s not as good. The point is though, now that you know where you are, what do you want to do about it? You always have options as long as you take the opportunity and responsibility. You can continue. Quit. Stop momentarily. Change direction. All sorts of options are available, but what do you determine as your best ‘next step’? Not the easy one… nor the most difficult, the one that continues to define who you are.

  I know that at the reassessment stage many like to talk out (with a trusted and valued ‘other’) where they see themselves. To have another audience to listen, understand, and only make suggestions when granted the opportunity. Mostly it’s just to talk. To discuss the dreams, the accomplishments, the possibilities still available. It has to be meaningful, at least for me. My journey has to make sense so that I can determine what I want to do, can do and am willing to pay the price to do.

  Don’t expect everyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never had to walk your path! If you have the need to walk by having others’ understanding then you probably won’t be walking your path… you’ll be walking others’ definitions. Walking your own path requires determination, dedication, confidence, and a great deal of humor and forgiveness. Life is always for those willing to engage and embrace it. 

…sooo, where are you?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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