Aid, assistance… help!

  I’m not particularly good about asking for help. Never have been. And I don’t say that with any sense of boasting or pride. It’s just that I’ve never been good about doing so. It may be that I have this embarrassment about asking anyone (and that includes family) when I need anything. Maybe it is a  kind of false pride. Regardless of the reason… I’m not good at this. When it comes to being helpful then this is a different story. I think/hope that I’m always ready to aid if I can. Again… not the issue. But it is rather obvious that I employ a double standard to myself when it comes to ‘help’.

 There are so many different kinds of needs and yes, wants. And so many different areas that may require another’s assistance. Which automatically leads me to the conclusion that others have their problems too so why would I want to burden them with my needs? Or maybe I don’t want to hear a, ‘I’m sorry but I can’t help.’ from them. The thing about asking for help is that the ask-ee may not be able to. And then you are embarrassed about putting them in a difficult position. Now, how will you react to them the next time you see them? … See how all this escalates!

  Is there an answer? Good question. The simplest is – don’t ask. But when you are in difficult straits, dire or not, you sometimes will need help. Now what? Most Christians will turn to certain scriptures for their answer such as: “Come boldly to the throne to ask for help in time of need.” or “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…” or pray that the “Lord will meet my need through His riches in Glory…” And while I do recommend you stand on those scriptures for your needs… unless you make your needs known, how can anyone help you?

  Take another look at the word ask. Is that the problem? Is asking admitting you aren’t able? Regardless of the need and whether or not you were the reason you are in this need… does the mere asking mar your perception of yourself? Kinda, doesn’t it? And no matter how many times the comment that no man is an island pops into your head, you typically function as if it doesn’t apply to you. However, let’s say you DO accept help… will you react to them in the same way you did before they assisted you? That truly will become a character developing issue. There is not an easy answer to this dilemma.

… but, what do you do?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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