Life is NOT a do over

  Ohhh wouldn’t that be nice if we could do over? As much as we might like to believe (hope?), we do not get a chance to go back in our life history and savor the times we really enjoyed, or correct mistake(s) – life doesn’t allow us to… do over. Granted, if we find we are doing something that is not in our best interests or in the interests of others, we can correct an oversight, error, (fill in the blank). But it will always be slightly different because time and conditions have changed since that original moment. Life NEVER stands still. Unfortunately, it appears that too often we rush unthinking, mindlessly into the day. And yes, that was harsh. But incorrect???

  I suspect that if we were more intentional about what we are doing and saying that we wouldn’t so often regret our words and/or actions and wish for a ‘do over’. But will we become more intentional? It rarely is a case of ability but more of a willingness to ‘improve’. For some, though they realize they may inadvertent be less than (fill in the blank), they see a more intentional approach as inhibiting their spontaneity. That, in my opinion, is facile and specious – an excuse. Actually my argument would be that intentionality is more attuned to the moment and definitely creative.

  Without the ability to return to whatever we want or need to, at least we need to be conscious enough not to repeat behavior and words that are detrimental to self or others. We can learn, we can change, we can improve… if we are willing. I would argue that everything on a conscious level is dependent upon that word – willing. When we know then we can change but we can’t change unless we are willing. Building blocks. Our choices.

  The bottom line in this is you. What are you wanting and willing to do? Does a life free from a lot of excuses or apologies appeal? Be willing to be intentional. Does a life free from hurt feelings or misunderstandings appeal? Be willing to be intentional. You can, you know. You can determine that your intentionality is not a deterrent to who you are but is an enhancement because you cease to be in those uncomfortable places and wish for a do over….

willing to act on your change?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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