Who’s in charge…

  You do realize that you are on a variety of ‘roads’? You are. Obviously there is the physical road which takes up most of our thought life. But underscoring and sometimes lurking in the background is the intellectual road, psychological road, spiritual road, etc. Splitting hairs? No, I really don’t think so. One of our ongoing moment-by-moment tasks is integrating all these roads into a harmonious whole. But sometimes we seem to feel that we are at war in ourselves… yes? What do you do? How do you unite these ‘parts’ of you? Who’s in charge, the final authority? Perhaps you would argue that my delineations are not roads but ‘self’s’ – doesn’t diminish the determination of the leader. Bear with me…

  If you aren’t on an intellectual road then you’ve stopped learning. Have you? Are you no longer making discoveries you didn’t know about previously? Or not becoming more adept at your job responsibilities which may also include new learnings? Look back for a moment… you’ve obviously come a long way from the time when you were age 6 or 7 and learning 2+2=4 and how to spell c-a-t. But since you graduated from college or the equivalent, how much have you focused on continued learning?

  Consciously or not, learning is with us throughout our lives. Look at your laptops, cell phones, TVs and all the other technological advances. You had to learn how to use them… intellectual. But there are all the other intellectual learnings – philosophy, history, art, music, etc. That only scratches the surface of your intellectual road. There are also the other kinds of learnings that you’ve made – how to relate to others, how to develop your own philosophy, how to integrate these learnings with the other parts, the other roads that comprise you. Is your intellectual road your decision maker, the one in charge?

  And what about your emotional road? You’ve walked on this road as well. I remember when I was a child I had a flash temper (redheads do… at least that’s our excuse) and it would spill out rashly. Until one day my mother sat me down and shared that when I lost my temper I also lost the argument. Personally, I wasn’t having any of that! Winning the argument was far more important so I began to consciously tame my temper. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not BUT I never forgot Mom’s lesson. There are other emotions we’ve discovered in ourselves that we’ve either tamed or enhanced. But we’ve also learned which emotions cause us more grief than if we didn’t express them and learned how to express our emotions without causing others discomfort. Is your emotional road your decision maker, the one in charge?

  Then there is your social road. Never discount the impact and importance of this element. Friends play a huge role in all aspects of our choices. However, I suspect your friends today are not the ones you had when you were in grade school. Do you even remember those little buddies? Was there a lot of joy at that time or did you feel like you never really belonged anywhere? Were you bullied? Those beginning relationships really molded you but are you still holding onto those ties and feelings? When you look at those who populate your world now… where did they come from? work? relatives? church? And have you moved on from this influence or do you still carry around these social interactions? Is your social road your decision maker, the one in charge?

 I obviously have a preference as to ‘who’s in charge’ – I believe it should always be your spiritual road. It would be my argument that this is the truest and most accurate way of knowing you are on the (your) ‘right’ road. Your spiritual road tells you who you are on a level unmatched by any other road. Whether you are a born again believer or an agnostic, this road influences more of your important choices than any other.

  My ‘Who’s in charge’ is Jesus. He is the reason for continuing on the road I’m on and He is my constant companion. This has become a terrific adventure and yes, there have been storms on this road but I know where my destination is. Where I’m headed is worth all of my now’s and tomorrow’s. And I do try to make my decision and choices based on Who I’m with and where I’m going. It’s exciting. It’s fun. And I grow … intellectually, emotionally, in my relationships, in my work. Seems like that is a great place to be.

  So who’s in charge of your life? Do you let your emotions sway the day? Maybe it’s your intellectual life that you believe should be the unifying and guiding force. Perhaps it’s your friends or family. Your work? If you can say that regardless of what you are experiencing right now… you are completely fulfilled and at peace… then I suspect you chose the spiritual road. This can be chosen at any point in your life. You have already by chosen by the Lord. He really is the only way. You will discover a life so full when you decide to choose Him. I said ‘full’ not easy or simple. And your joy will be overflowing – a terrific choice for your ‘Who’s in charge’…

… you?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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