
  This is a very important component in who we are. I believe that, apart from a saving belief in Jesus, that nothing should be in cement. Even those truths and beliefs we hold near and dear have to be in a state of refinement. And by definition, refinement means… rethink. What happens in these rethink times often is an ‘evolution’ on what we initially thought. It also means that we have sufficient confidence in the truths and beliefs we have that a fresh look will only enhance them. And, any challenge to those truths and beliefs will only establish them more firmly through the process.

  In my life’s travels, I’ve done this often. But when I find a tenant that no longer is as viable as one of my basic criterion I also discover that it has been foundational and now leads me further. Refinement never means tossing out. Truth IS truth but if it is then it can withstand any challenge and all threats. Basically, I think I’ve discovered that truth is also like an iceberg – initially we may only see the top of it. You don’t put truth in a box on a shelf, if it is real then in punctuates and flavors all aspects of our lives, daily.

  Rethink is never terrifying. But it also demands being faced, no excuses. And it demands that you devote all your energy to this task. Resolution is the end result in this ‘exercise’ and is one of the distinct benefits. I sometimes discover that my initial thinking was slightly skewed and needed to be corrected. Sometimes the discovery is that though it seemed to be true that I didn’t have all of the information to make my ‘reasoned’ decision. At other times I find that I was on the right path but needed to go further. There are all sorts of components in ‘rethink’ but it also always takes you further into understanding.

  Truth and belief are strong. They can take the microscope of thought. One should never avoid rethinking because of a concern that truth, underscoring your belief, is unable to stand under the scrutiny. One never is misled in seeking truth. All of our paths to discover may not be the same – they don’t need to be. But once we begin sharing our discoveries, we do come closer to understanding. That’s why rethinking is an enhancement instead of a threat. Rethinking also applies to the ‘how’ of our behavior, how we translate our understanding into what we do.

… rethink?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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