Better NOT to know???

  I’m a great one to insist that we really DO need to know (fill in the blank). But… is it possible to have too much access to the sources of knowing? Notice the word is ‘access’ and not a rejection of knowing. With today’s instant availability suddenly we’re faced with two problems: 1- the veracity of the information provided and 2- what is it we really need to know. The answer to those two issues underscores what we do with the information. If we are going to cite the information then there has to be a level of confidence in the source.
  Determining if we can trust the source of the information is critical. And unfortunately, we aren’t always able to access this because past performance is never proof of current actions. Additionally, our source may have a source who is in error (duly note that I did not say – misleading or unduly biased, etc. – that is an entirely different discussion) and our source may only be repeating. More and more we seem to be returning to the old adage that if you didn’t see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears – take it as a possible but not a definite (grain of salt is another way of saying it).

  I suspect that there are levels and degrees to our knowing that is on some kind of sliding scale dependent on the particular issue. Example:  if it comes to our health, do we need to have a greater understanding of nutrition or simply have a reliable source of information to make our food decisions? Obviously the answer is based on how important this issue actually is. For some it would be a critical and high ranking priority, for others… not so much because their health has not been affected. Yet a different issue might demonstrate a vice versa scenario.

  On the whole, I’m in the it’s better TO know group. Part of this is based on the fact that I have a very vivid imagination which can create possible scenarios that are far worse than the reality. Part is also based in an unquenchable thirst… to know. For others, they take a more laissez faire position and let the chips fall where they may, attempting to stay untouched. I suspect this latter position is one that attempts to encompass everything and everyone at all times. Personally I would never fit in this group.

… to know or not to know?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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