…and now for something entirely different…

  This is one of those thoughts that pushed its way into the forefront and demands to be heard. So, I’m giving it voice. If you’re looking to see where this post fits, I think you’d be wasting your time. Also, I’m certain that you’ve done something like this before, but maybe not with the process I’m using. First, find paper and pencil and number down the left side of the page from 1 to 10, leaving a space between the numbers. Next, make 3 columns and titled them: Like, Dislike, Willing to Work on.

  Now the process. List one characteristic or quality that you Like about yourself. In the next column list one that you don’t like. And in the final column list something you are or are willing to work on to be that better you. You cannot move on until you follow that sequencing in order. No, you can’t just list all the things you like or dislike about yourself. You can’t move on to the next number (and, by the way, this is not a listing in order of importance – it’s what you say about yourself right now as it strikes your thinking) nor can you jump around from a like to a work on and then a dislike – sequential, in order. To give you a quick example to get you started, I’ll use myself: a Like would be that I’m a good listener, a Dislike would be that I am quite impatient, and a Willing to Work on would be that I will attempt to not place unstated expectations on others.
  OK, now that you’ve done your lists, what picture do you see of yourself that emerges? Did you have trouble coming up with 10 things and had to stop midway through? Did you subconsciously or overtly rank order them? In looking at your lists, what is the strongest Like for you about you? Strongest Dislike? How do both of these lists describe your who? Is there a Like or Dislike or Work on you feel is not included? Can, will you, as the song says: accent the positive and eliminate the negative? Is it worth it to you?

  First things first was for you to see the words you use to identify and describe who you think you are – strengths and weaknesses. Next is to look at how you can maximize your strengths, but probably more important is your Willing to Work on list. Will you work on any of those qualities? Point being that you should never work on more that one at a time because it does take time to become a better you. But once you are on your way with one, add a new one into the mix. Always remember… you are constantly in a state of becoming but it’s up to you to be willing to grow, to change, to improve. God’s not done with you yet… are you?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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