
  I really love to walk. For me, it’s invigorating and uplifting but then again… I go at my speed. Do you enjoy walking… and at whose speed? Most of my walks are simply that – a walk and I let the day lead me in the direction to go. It’s not a purposeless walk but it isn’t to a predetermined location either (except to return home eventually). Again for me, it’s a time to let my mind wander and go where it wills without being confined in any way, so it typically is the prime time to discover new thoughts or a different perspective on a thought.

  You should know that where I live is a quiet place, conducive to those kinds of ‘undirected’ activities and not in a more citified locale. However, even if I did live in a more hustle and bustle place I would hope that it wouldn’t stop my walking, cities do have to have parks, yes? But my point is that walking is a movement based activity that, for me, is always beguiling me to those new thinkings and new learnings. Walking’s focus or activity, I’ve discovered, is something I can typically do whenever and wherever I am so inclined. 

  As delightful as the walk is for my cogitating time it is also an exhilaration to the senses. Seeing, up close and personal, God’s creation is never boring and rarely the same – even if I take a familiar path. It is always surprising what I see, what new discoveries I can make on each walk. And walking means looking up and to the right and left… and sometimes behind. For me, it is never defined in terms of looking down. Then again, I’m not a person who delights in bugs but if you are, you definitely will find them. 

  Walking does beg the question of whether you are walking alone or with someone. You? Personally I’m always walking with someone. Yes, sometimes it is another person but always I’ve got my life’s companion, Jesus, with me. You have no idea, unless you do the same, how important this is. Granted I didn’t always realize that He was with me, but when I look back I can see His footprints besides mine unless He is carrying me. Regardless, He is there. Then again… He said He would be.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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