Derailed in the midst of…

everyday living? In the midst of your journey? I can’t think of anything more frustrating, though there are issues that are equally compelling (spelled: irritating). This is another one of those times that call for ‘now what’ questions. They nearly demand an answer and it will impact on how long the derailment will last. Unfortunately, many times we discover that derailments take longer to ‘fix’ than other problems we may face. And coupled that with the reality, that many times we aren’t the ones who can fix the derailment, we need others – which leaves us subject to them and their expertise and efficiency.

  Derailments can be viewed as a (fill in the blank), or that time when everything seems wrong and all seemed relatively meaningless or hopeless… or at least halted for the moment. That’s what derailments do – they stop you. Minimally, it is always a distraction, an interruption. And now… you need to resolve your derailment recognizing that it may not be in your hands. Back to the initial question – what do YOU do now?

  The answer to that question may be… nothing. There’s nothing you can do because you aren’t the one who can fix the derailment. So, in this case, let’s assume that this is your condition. What will you do in your midst of waiting? Many people simply grumble about being in this predicament. Others will attempt to simply do the ‘waiting game’ and … wait. There are those who will look at the situation and try and learn from it so that it won’t be repeated in the future. That stance, to me, is far more proactive.

  The last group are those who fill their waiting time but not simply with games or idle conversation but who, like the proactive types, will spend their waiting time learning, discovering other ‘things’. These really are ideal times to ponder and consider who you are on this particular road you’re on. To make decisions relevant to who you are and what you do. Perhaps it’s a time for ‘what if’ thinking (the area of consideration can be personal or job related).

  If you find yourself in a derailment… use the time wisely (your definition) to consider: is this the right road for you, and if not, what is? Are you continuing to learn, to grow, to become the best you possible? Ask yourself your questions. Once the derailment is fixed, regardless of how long it takes, will you want to continue on the road you’re on?
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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