Worth and Value

   Do you believe that you are a person of worth and value? Maybe this should be stated a bit stronger… do you know that you are a person of worth and value? I know this may sound… harsh, but would you recognize these two qualities in yourself… and in others? According to what standard do you measure worth and value? Do you compare yourself to others? If you compare you may be in an apples and oranges situation because not everyone has the same operational definition. And the world’s standard of wealth, fame, etc. is not the eternal definition.
  You are, you have worth and value. My caveat is that the standard I would recommend be accepted  is one that can only be found in Jesus. You must take that first step of belief in Jesus as your personal savior. The point is that this isn’t my definition, it’s the one given by God. Once you have made that declaration of faith in Jesus then according to 2 Corinthians (5:17-21) you are now a new creation. And with this understanding you now are a person of worth and value. While there are many confirmations of this in scripture, the one that is the most all encompassing (to me) is Romans 8:1. 

  This is not something you ‘earn’ or something you can purchase. It is the free gift that is all yours because you have accepted Jesus. Sounds simple? It is. And all it requires is you. But it requires ALL of you, not just some, not when it is convenient to you – this is a 24/7, 365 day commitment. But it doesn’t require you to ‘be good’ in order to make this commitment and receive the abundance that comes with it. Your new life begins with right where you are, right now – no rejections. Perhaps I should have also stated that in all caps. The exciting and mind blowing reality is that Jesus meets each one of us who choose Him right where we are with NO rejections.

  Of course He never leaves us where He meets us because His desire is for us to have all that He has purchased for us. What we don’t always realize, at least initially, is that He doesn’t want us to stay in the condition in which we find ourselves because He desires us to begin our journey with Him which leads to a deeper understanding. A new journey of meaning of  ‘worth and value’.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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