Good enough…

is that what you’re waiting for? Are you waiting until you are a more ‘satisfactory’ candidate, or ready… whatever that means? Or maybe you are hesitant because you think you’ll have to give up all those ‘things’ that are part of your life that you enjoy? Not. There is an apt scripture that says… “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold , now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2) And if you wonder if this applies to you, read 2 Thessalonians 2:13 – you were chosen! It’s your decision to accept the gift or not.

  Behold is one of those words that is meant to capture your attention. It means: stop, listen to (or see) what’s happening right now. Further definitions are: “to keep hold to, give regard to, discern, contemplate…” It is an act. It’s what YOU do, it’s never done for you. You have the opportunity to see what’s happening right now. It’s an immediacy word. Whenever the word is used in scripture it’s meant to tell us that what’s occurring is important for us to know and understand. And if we are to know, to understand – we will be able to if we give attention to it. 

  Behold in these particular scriptures tell us that now is now and now is for us! We won’t be able to say later that we weren’t warned, or didn’t know. And now is not then, not in the future, it is now. And if you notice, there are no qualifications to this. It doesn’t say you have to do ‘this’ or you need to do ‘that’ before you act on the information following the ‘behold’. If it seems like I’m beating a dead horse, it’s simply to reinforce the point. Behold! Now! And it is all your choice.

  Those scriptures should answer any and all questions, but if you think there are a variety of ‘paths’ to salvation, the answer is no. Peter in Acts 4:12 says: “Nor is there salvation in any other (referring to Jesus), for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (See also Hosea 13:4) Any other questions about if salvation is for you – when, by whom? So what is stopping you? What argument can you offer that stops you from choosing Jesus? You really are ‘good enough’ right now, right here.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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