
   Jehovah Jireh: God will Provide. One of the first declaration God states is that He is Jehovah Jireh. What and Who is Jehovah Jireh?

   According to His Word, Jehovah Jireh is translated and described as: The Lord Will Provide. This is not a maybe statement. He WILL. We see Him giving examples of this from the beginning. In Genesis He provided a garden with everything in it that man could ever want or need. When man sinned and lost access then the provision was when God gave Adam and Eve tunics to cover themselves (Genesis 3:21). While there are countless examples in Genesis, the most dramatic was when He provided a sacrifice for Abraham when he was about to offer Isaac, his only son (Genesis 22:12-18). Abraham built an altar at that place and called it “The Lord will provide”.
(Note: if you look at earlier verses you will see that Abraham was confident that both he and his son would return by the comments he made, and that the Lord would provide and fulfill His promise to Abraham.)

   There are innumerable instances throughout scripture demonstrating God’s provision for man. Unfortunately, too often we see provision only in material or financial terms and His provision is far more extensive and encompassing than this, though it does include them. And we expect Him to provide when we think we need or want and in the manner we expect. God is not restricted by our thinking and His purpose is to provide the very best when and where we are in need (Isaiah 41:10, 55:8-9, 11, Romans 8:28). Our task is to ask… to seek… but not to limit. He can provide meaning and purpose to our lives as easily as He can the material and financial. (Jeremiah 29:11)

   Too often when we read scripture concerning what God did we made the leap of erroneous assumption that it was only for then and not for now. Not certain how we got to this since there is no place in scripture that indicates He is a then God. The real question is – will you allow Him to provide in your life? And if not… why? He tells us: “Is My hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver? ” (Isaiah 50:2b) Actually He tells to come, and to come boldly (Hebrews 4:16).

   Perhaps the question is not a doubt that God will provide… but that He will provide for you. That somehow you aren’t ‘worthy’ enough to receive His provision. However you got to this conviction, it is totally inaccurate because God provides not based on our ‘merit’ but because of His care. He shows NO partiality and we simply can’t earn it. Acts 10:34-35 tells us that Peter discovered God’s impartiality “…whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” Fortunately we are made the righteous in Jesus (2Corinthians 5:21). Sometimes the provision is there and we simply don’t see it. Pray for eyes that see.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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