Never gives up, never!

  Do you know, without doubt, without question that You have a God that never gives up on you? It is something that He chooses to be and do. He said He would never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) but He also expands that statement when He continually chooses to not give up on us. That is a lesson to never forget – He is a… Forever. Fortunately for me, this was a lesson I learned very early in my walk. I never doubted because I read so many evidences in scripture that demonstrated that whatever man did, God always tried to help him find his way back to relationship. He even tells us that He provides a way of escape (1Corinthians 10:13).

  But what about us… do we give up? Do we give up on God? on ourselves? And if we do, what do we have, gain as a result of quitting? We can never ‘earn’ or be ‘good enough’ yet God keeps His covenant with us. Why is simply… it’s His nature. If He says it, He will do it. Perhaps it was some form of identification on my part, but the Prodigal Son story was one that demonstrated that even in my worse strait, if I was willing to repent and return to a relationship, the Lord was there. Peter and Paul were two other very visible demonstrations that even when we deny or persecute, we can still be of use in His hand when we truly repent and come to Him. 

 And yes, there’s only one path to this ‘condition’. One requirement. One act. And if we take it, He will always be with us, always. All we have to do is to believe. Of our own free will and volition, we need to believe and accept Jesus. That’s the only requirement – believe that Jesus was who He said He was, did what He did, and continues to be and do as the Son of God. Jesus was and is our path to reconcilement. It is both the simplest and most difficult act we do.

  The reason for ‘difficult’ is because this means that we will give Him Lordship over our lives. We are a ‘stiff neck’ creation who wants to do things our way – and some of that is a ‘good’. But defiance or rebellion really gets us nowhere. And what’s the purpose? We still have free will, we still have options every day. We still are responsible for who we are and what we do. So the advantage to a life with Jesus? Much in every way to quote. In our acceptance we gain reconcilement (2Corinthians 5:17-18), inheritance (Romans 8:15-17), a standby (John 16:7) with us always – and that only scratches the surface. We get everything (Romans 8:38-39). And we can rely on the glorious news that our partner will never give up on us… never. And if God doesn’t give up… why should we?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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