Mistakes… Define or Refine

    Psalms 37:23-24 speaks to this question. And yes, it is a question and it is always our decision to determine which mindset prevails. We all make mistakes, we all need to seek forgiveness if damage has been done to another person, but it is always our choice to dwell in our mistake or let them refine us. And sometimes it’s a question of whether we believe that God is stronger or our mistake… ever think about your mistakes in this way?

     “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. And He delights in his way,
     Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him 
      with His hand.”

  When I read those words I see: ordered, delights, fall, not..cast down, upholds. Those are strong words demonstrating a strong covenant. Who is doing all the work? Yes, the Lord is. It is He who orders, is delighted, doesn’t cast down, and upholds. What is it we do? Accept and choose to be the Lord’s and to partner with Him in our own betterment. Sadly, how very, very difficult that is for us to do. Since we are a ‘my way’ creation, giving Jesus Lordship is never automatic nor one and done. This becomes a conscious decision daily.

  If we earn the right to’ benefits’, then this is ours by right. But when they are a gift requiring only our acceptance, then most of us have difficulty. And yes – there are responsibilities that come as well. The point though is that when we fall, as we all do, then we tend to let that state define us. Sometimes that definition is an attempt to ignore or distance ourselves from ourself – difficult, not impossible. Why we allow mistakes to define us is one of pride. I didn’t always recognize this, but it is – think about it.

  Refining is work. Refining requires us to recognize our own errors, a willingness to seek forgiveness, and a resolve to be more intentional in the future. Recognizing may not be difficult nor seeking forgiveness, but resolving to change is never easy.But it is possible. If you believe that God forgives then you have to accept that God forgives you your mistakes. And if you believe this then you have little choice but to forgive yourself. And if you do this then you will move in the realm of refinement rather than definition.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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