Living Expectantly

  Do you live expectantly? Consciously expectant? Or does your expectant relate to specific areas or times, specific people? Subconsciously, somewhere in our deep recesses, we always live with a sense of some level of expectant… but is your life fully alert, not tense, alert? Perhaps the question should be… will you recognize what you are expecting when it presents itself? And, is your expectant always a positive? or always a negative? And do you prepare…

  The lessons that I’ve learned and keep learning is if we don’t live spiritually expectant then we will never have eyes that see or ears that hear. To me, ‘expectant’ means that I consciously and intentionally am alert to seeing the hand of God in evidence. I try very hard and not predispose myself to see or hear only what I want, but to look and listen with an open mindset. I believe the point is that God IS everywhere so we don’t have to strain to see Him but we do need to be aware. I’ve also come to accept that sometimes our awareness comes after the fact. That isn’t necessarily ‘bad’ because it predisposes us to add that understanding to our awareness queue.

  Actually, since I embarked on this mindset, I don’t remember being disappointed. Thus, for me, expectant requires me to be fully alive in the moment. Am I always? Hardly. But I do have the disposition, attitude of expectancy. While I could wax lyrical or poetic, my point is to see and hear what is and also what could be (potential is always a possibility thinking). Those particular foci put one in the position to be in the position to act more effectively. I believe that it gives one an advantage.

  When you consider your life, are there areas that you ‘hope’ will (fill in the blank). Do you have any input opportunity or are these aspects outside your influence? Hope and Expectant are related. But Fear and Expectant can also be related. This last state can be incapacitating but the focus should be on preparing to meet the expectant negative. But if you don’t always prepare for the hope and expectant, then you may not exact all that comes when hope is fulfilled. Then again… there’s the unexpected…

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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