(I tend to think that the word should always be in caps.) Seriously, can you really get your head around the word, concept…person? To me, it is an ongoing and unending discovery that is never ‘expected’; and ‘assume’ should never be part of the definition. You find yourself making your discoveries in amazing and sometimes amusing times and places. The point though is Person, God is a person not simply an idea. No one could ever conceive of the magnitude or splendor that is God. If God is only a word, a concept then He never really is… real.

  I was curious about why God described Himself in scripture in different ways, components and with attributable names. The more I thought about it, the more it became evident that this was so He could demonstrate Who He was to man in smaller pieces so man could understand. Can you imagine how we would react if God presented Himself in toto, all at once? Talk about overwhelm – we would not be able to take it all in. However, I don’t believe that this means we aren’t to deliberately and intentionally discover Who God is. I believe He wants to be known.

  God described Himself by what He does as much as who He is. His names are a demonstration of Who and What He is. God provides what we need, when we need it, and in His way – He gives gifts to man. Examples: Jehovah Jireh – our provider, Jehovah Rapha – our healer. Those are only two examples of all of the names of God. But even within each of the descriptions, we need to realize that the word encompasses so much more. Using as an example ‘Jehovah Jireh’ – typically we think in terms of provision as material and financial. While this is true, there is also the provision of creative expression – art, music, writing. 

  Remembering that need can’t be defined by ‘want’, there’s no way of categorizing the various provisions in terms of ‘status’, importance. There is also all the emotional, spiritual, and intellectual provisions and healings. I would argue that there is nothing that influences and impacts our lives that God isn’t able to provide whatever it is we need. And while we will never know the entirety of Who God is, it will be more than a worthwhile journey of discovery. God wants us to know Who He is and He wants relationship with us, which I find amazing. Knowledge can lead to understanding, and understanding can lead to appreciation, and appreciation can lead to …

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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