
  What’s its source… do you know? Is it guilt-reaction, over something you did or didn’t do? Is it righteous indignation? Is it ‘justified’? What do you want to happen as the result of your expression of anger? Is the anger a seething? A slow burn that is eventually expressed in an outburst? Or… is for affect? Or is that far too much forethought, which rarely accompanies an outburst of anger? 

  We all get angry at times and I suspect we know how we express our frustration and anger. Obviously, I’ve also discovered that the same expression is not appropriate for all situations. However, I also believe that the basis of the anger needs to be considered. I gave a hint when I used the word ‘frustration’. Sometimes that is the cause/foundation for our anger. The emotions are pent up and explode at the first opportunity. My point is that anger always has a source and is always expressed. 

  I tend to take the position that anger, in and of itself, is not necessarily ‘bad’. If you remember scripture – God got angry, Jesus got angry and tossed the money changers out of the temple. Which led me to the logical thought progression that anger isn’t necessarily destructive but it’s how we express it that defines what our anger is. Do we express it toward others? And, is the person we express our anger to the true object? Does it become physical? Do we want to resolve the issue that is separating us? 

  We will get angry. Anger isn’t the problem. Our expression is. But it is also our decision concerning how to express and use this anger. Is it a motivation that will lead to positive outcomes? Is it only an opportunity to express those emotions we are feeling? And yes, I know we can’t always be logical and reasoned when it comes to expressing anger. But even after an inappropriate expression, what do we want to happen next? Do you ‘use’ your anger for potentially positive results? Or… does the anger use you?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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