Phrase catcher

  I’m a phrase catcher. A phrase catcher is one who, when they are reading all of a sudden a phrase leaps, literally, off the page. For me, whatever I’m reading sends me off on another rabbit trail adventure. Example: I was reading a post by Jacqueline Winspear (who, if you haven’t discovered her writing you really should – she a word painter. She paints wonderful pictures with words. As an extended aside – her books take place during WWI and through her writing she transports the reader back into that time.) Anyway… she was writing in “The Naked Truth”, a blog that is written by a group of extremely talented writers (published). The phrase – “…what a bittersweet joy memory can be.” Is that not terrific!

  Not certain what picture this phrase paints for you, but for me I’m immediately transported to another time and place – rarely the same time/place each instance. And again, for me, there always seems to be a teaching associated with the memory. I’ve learned to appreciate these opportunities, because they are object learning times to make discoveries about myself and how I interact with the world I live in.

  In terms of this particular phrase it was the ‘bittersweet joy’ that captured my attention. Memories do provide us with these times but it’s how we react to them that gives us a pulse check on our growth. Example: we can berate ourselves on lost opportunities or we can become more sensitive to what is happening and more intentional. Bittersweet occurs in our acceptance that now is not then and we are meant to grow as a result of our learnings. But bittersweet can also occur in those nostalgic memories that we can only savor.

  Do you become captured by phrases? Do they send you on your rabbit trails of new discoveries about yourself, who you are becoming, the people in your world, relationships, plans, goals, etc.? They can provide you with new ways of thinking about things – out of the box as well as in the box. They may lead you into uncharted areas… or maybe just provide a momentary diversion.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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