
   Do you engage in this activity? Do you enjoy multi-tasking? Are you good at it? How do you use this ability to your greatest advantage? Is this approach always good, in all situations, at all times? The last multi-layered question was a give away… multi-tasking is a great ability, but it isn’t good in and at all times. I would make the argument that there are people who are really good with this talent and also know when to employ it and when not to; just as there are those who really are terrible at multi-tasking. I believe that the problem is more that they don’t know when, where, how, and with whom to use it. Or they decide that this lesson is not an ability they’re interested in acquiring.

   While I consider myself rather adept at multi-tasking I also don’t use it as my primary mode of behavior. When my attention is multi rather than focused then I find that I have to rely on… others, or that the ‘project’ is now in a mode that needs little tweaking, or that the project has already begun its ‘life’, etc. My point is that when you do multi-tasking no one ‘aspect’ can absorb all your attention and that can become a problem. 

  Actually, I think the most fun is in the prep stage and this may be the best use of this ability. Getting from point A to point B often requires all your multi-tasking skills. To effectively and efficiently go forward in accomplishing your goal. The other prep involves your critical thinking and options planning skills – example, if Plan A doesn’t work is there a seemless way to proceed and utilize Plan B? 

  Obviously, multi-tasking has its strengths and weaknesses but we can employ those skills to our advantage. But to indiscriminately use this style as our default behavior is rarely effective. I tend to view multi-tasking as my ‘big picture’ style. However, it is sheer folly to use this style when dealing with people. People very rarely react and respond according to ‘our’ script. Then again… that’s what makes life so ‘interesting’.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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