… and in the meantime?

  You are waiting. But it isn’t the time quite yet… so, what do you, are you doing now? If you are the anxious (defined as excited, primed) type then you are probably chomping at the bit. If you are the more ‘reasoned’ type you are probably reassessing your ‘resources’ and your plan to put into effect once the time is right. Wasting this ‘in the meantime’ time is not really the best option. If nothing else, ‘meantime’ teaches you patience. Obviously, since acting before the best time may not produce the desired result.

  Waiting expectantly? This is one of those ‘heightened’ attentiveness times. We need to continue to be and act intentional in whatever is currently going on in our life. For some, this is extremely difficult because many people want to ‘get on with it’. So what productive behavior can you focus on during this period of meantime? I did suggest that reassessing. to make certain you are ready to respond effectively once it is time, is a good use of this time. This is the making certain that ‘all the ducks are in a row’ approach.

  What else can you do besides reassessing and being attentive to your now? If you are the ‘big picture’ type, you’ll begin to look at the results of this effort and begin to decide what will possibly come next. Perhaps you’ll posit a number of options that will or may become available. A big picture approach allows you the luxury to look at how what you are doing fits into the larger canvas. And sometimes in doing this you may find you need to tweak what it is you will be doing.

  Never waste your ‘in the meantime’ time as it is a valuable opportunity. Too often we have to act ‘on the fly’ so when these times come, we should always take advantage of them. Perhaps it will be a time for personal growth in areas you’ve always wanted to pursue but hadn’t the time to do so. Maybe it will be a time to build relationships. There are all sorts of possibilities. The point is that you have the opportunity to not just hop up and down in your waiting but to let this time serve you.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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