Unique and extraordinary

  Have you ever considered the fact that you are quite extraordinary? I know I’ve said it before but you are the only person in the world that can be you. No one else can smile the way you do or see the world like you do. Maybe others can do the same kind of work that you do, but not in the same way as you do. Certainly you don’t always do what you should, none of us do – not an excuse, an explanation. And yes, you make mistakes but you also can be creative about resolution. You are far from perfect, but if you get up each day and try to be better than the day before, that defines why you really are quite extraordinary.

  However, what I’ve just said is totally irrelevant if you don’t believe this about yourself. It makes little difference if it isn’t important to you as well. If this isn’t foundational to how you go about being you, then the words are meaningless. In the dark of night before you go to sleep, even with all of the demands that you will face in the morning, if you can’t be pleased with you in your day, then you won’t experience the rest you need for your tomorrow. If you can say that most of the time you tried, then that’s the mark of an achiever, an overcomer. Not perfect yet, but on your way. And that’s extraordinary.

  Being extraordinary, however, can’t be maintained and built upon if you are attempting to do it alone, through your own efforts. Yes, you are much stronger than you know but you aren’t invincible. But you can also do far more than you think you can when you choose to partner with the Lord. That really is your first act, accepting Jesus and what He did, your Savior, so that you can become all that you are destined to be, which becomes your foundation.  After being born again (saved), you begin to learn and discover what this means for you and how you ‘fit’ into the body. While saved is the mandatory start, it is not the end of your journey – actually it begins it.

  You can never say you aren’t important, extraordinary once you have accepted Jesus as Lord and are born again. You are now part of the body and become a soldier in the army of the Lord. (read 1 Corinthians 14, 2 Timothy 2:3) You are needed to fill your place, you are wanted and welcomed, and with your acceptance this defines who you are. You should never forget that you really are a miracle… just like the person next to you.  

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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