
  Are you pleased with you? Pleased with who you are, who you are becoming, how you go about being you, how you present yourself…? A more important, yet difficult question is – do you think the Lord is pleased with you? Do you know why or why not… and equally important, how do you know? And why is this important?

     “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who
      comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a
      rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

  … impossible to please? Do you have faith? That’s the start, because scripture clearly states that without faith you can’t be pleasing. It is impossible without faith. Without faith you won’t believe. And if you don’t believe, you’ll never even see or understand the reward that’s prepared for you because you will never diligently seek. And yes, if you diligently seek – you will find (Matthew 7:7). 

  In my opinion these are the 4 key concepts in Hebrews 11:6 – faith, believe, rewarder, diligently seek. You must believe He rewards those who seek Him because why seek if you don’t believe you will find? But He also tells us that He doesn’t hide from us. Actually, it’s a double win since you are rewarded for being pleasing because you are acting on faith. Maybe it’s a triple win.

  Too often we spend our energy in attempting to be pleasing to others and expect some form of ‘reward’ from them as a result. Wrong emphasis. We should be kind and understanding, helpful and not critical toward others expecting nothing in return. Others’ reactions to us should never be our focus because, at best, it is a fleeting ‘reward’. However, we do have One who has done everything for us so that we can be healthy and happy, fruitful and live abundantly – now that’s someone to focus our thinking and behavior toward, that’s the One we should please.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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