Casting away

  Sometimes casting away, off is what we need to do and sometimes we need to hold tight. Example from Hebrews 10:35 – “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.” This is an example of a quality, attitude to NOT cast away. Confidence is not something you want to eliminate from your foundation. In this scripture, confidence is defined by the following: courage, boldness. To live life in the fullness that we can, it is impossible, in my thinking, to do so outside of confidence. Fear, the opposite, is not a foundation to build on. 

  However, I also believe that there are attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that we truly do need to rid ourselves of their influence and dominance. For each of us, these may differ slightly, but I also believe we hold some of the same self-defeating behaviors. Just as obvious is the reality that their entrenchment in our mindsets varies. An example for me of a strong to be cast away thinking would be impatience. Personally, I find this an impediment in my set of attitudes. On some level between half-hearted and diligent, I do try and stem my impatience and experience some level of success. 

  As you can see, there’s another player within the keeping and casting away and it is us – how much we will purpose to improve? Our willingness is probably the single strongest attitude, behavior in our arsenal to become a better person. Our willingness partners with determination which partners with diligence and endurance to create an atmosphere of purpose and strength to become our better self. There’s a saying: that a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. This is true for us as well. We are only as strong as our stand against the sin that trips us up the quickest (Hebrews 12:1). Until we do cast away our encumbrance(s), this weakness, this stumbling stone, we won’t be able to go beyond to become our better self. 

  Casting away is very purposeful, intentional. But it can never occur apart from overcoming. And overcoming will never occur until we take a stand and are intentional and purpose to do/be. The wondrous reality is that with the Lord’s assistance – we can overcome and cast those attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors away from us. But it is equally important to also replace them with new behaviors, understandings and the strength and knowledge of Who He is and Whose we are. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21)

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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