Good Life

  Regardless of where you are on the age continuum, are you experiencing your good life? Age really has little to do with being in your good life place. Fame, fortune, peripheral ‘things’ are only add on’s, they are not the essential and eternal values that demonstrate that you are living your good life.
  I write often about experiencing one’s good life because it really isn’t something to put off for a later time. If your good life doesn’t infuse your ‘now’ life, then you are missing the point. If that sounds harsh, it is only to startle you into looking at you and your life. And if it is only the peripherals of life that define your good life, then you need to reassess what’s truly important to you and why.

  Obviously, you need to identify and define what composes your good life but I would suggest that values, attitudes, and character are part of the definition. Peace, joy, love, and fruitfulness are evident in this life. The person living this kind of life is guided by the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and by Paul’s admonition in Philippians 4:8-9. This is a life that is rich and full.
  Can this be simply adopted? Not certain. I tend to think of it as a journey… something to be pursued. And it is never too early or late to start. However, don’t think that pursuing such a life is painless or simple. You will encounter frustration, challenges, obstacles in your pursuit. They may be times you wish you never had begun. But there are also successes, new opportunities, and surprises. No one can make this trip to your good life for you. But you will encounter others on their paths. Some will be with you for a while because your paths are similar. Enjoy the company, but never mistake others’ paths as yours. 

  To attain your good life is impossible outside of a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. He is God, the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac… and us, as we accept Jesus as our Lord. Apart from this foundation, there is no possibility of a good life. But from this foundation, everything springs that is necessary and important for your good life.
Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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