Change.. from God’s perspective

  I read on Facebook – “The same boiling water that softens potatoes hardens eggs. It’s all about what you are made of not your circumstances.” Yes! Another statement that should cause us to rethink how we are looking at our life and times. It is our perspective that will determine our perception which makes these two very powerful forces. Without the ‘right’ perspective how can we ever develop any effective answers to our questions, problems, and wonderings? So what are you made of? 

  Do you look at your circumstances or your opportunities? Do you seek change? Or do you run from it? Granted that the title sounds incredibly presumptuous and or pompous, but the question is: if you are looking for change in your life, have you gone to the changer? Do you seek? Or do you expect change to be painless, smooth, and cost nothing? What value would change have then? On the other hand, if you aren’t seeking change is the status quo a place you think will last indefinitely? If so, then you are in for a surprise.

  “A leaf or a rock? Both are affected by change… just differently.” Which describes you and your attitudes? Again, have you gone to the changer? 

     “And He (God) changes the times and the seasons; … He gives 
      wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding,
      He reveals deep and secret things;…” (Daniel 2:21)

Personally, I would prefer to be in the company of those God gives wisdom to. This appears to be a condition that focuses on positive outcomes. Change is an ‘is’ – the only question is how we respond to change and whether or not we are part of the change agency. 

  “God uses people who fail – cause there aren’t any other kind around.” (John Maxwell) That thinking appeals to me. God doesn’t change but He is the ultimate change agent. He has changed our circumstances from loss and lost to inheritors destined to live an abundant life. God uses US to affect and influence change in our world – to make where we are a bit better for having been a part. And yes, sometimes our efforts don’t bear good fruit. But, change is a growth proactive word… at least with God in control. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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