Starved for relevance

  I sometimes believe that the church isn’t aware that those eager faces sitting in the pews are starved for a relevant Christianity. Whether anyone would admit it or not, unless and until we are challenged as Christians we really are only a complacent christian – lip service people. Harsh condemnation? Perhaps… not certain.
  But if you compare the 1st century church to today’s church – how would we stack up? What I’m trying to focus on is Jesus’ question to us: “…when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8b) Do we exhibit a standard that is not just words but are actions? How does the world view His church? Does it see the church as an enticement for them to learn more, or do they view it as irrelevant? I often wonder if Christ would be pleased with His Bride, His church. Are we being who He would have us be in the world? Are we doing those things that draw people to Him or only to our particular church? If we can say ‘yes’ we are doing those things, then HOW are we being His hands to the world? How are we demonstrating faith?  
  If you were to look at the world today I think you would be shaking your head at the ‘condition’ you see. Violence both physical and psychological is prevalent, lack of respect for other people and their possessions is rampant, and the church is doing…? This is not a blanket condemnation of Christianity but it is a question about what our presence truly is. And yes, there are those churches and individuals who do act Christ-like but it would be my contention that if we ALL were truly being Christ’s church then we’d be more relevant.
  Have you even considered why the young people in the world are not attending our churches in droves? Why is this? And yet we find them drawn to the more dramatic and militant sects. Again – why? Is it because these other sects and ‘religions’ are demanding something from them? That they feel a sense of belonging, personal commitment, and a relevancy seems to be obvious. Sadly, these options are all wrong because they don’t have Jesus as their center. Thus they don’t have love and truth. 

  I would argue, though, that it isn’t just the young that are seeking a relevant Christianity. I sense, though it could just be me, a restlessness throughout Christendom for meaning, for a Christianity that transcends what passes for relevance. To quote me: Be forewarned… in seeking relevancy for your life, you have to embrace accountability.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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