
  Losing a blessing… ever do this to yourself? This is a ‘knowing what you’re doing as you do it’ scenario, not an after the fact awareness. In this instance, definitely my bad. I was asked for a last minute favor – to do something for someone else, asked by another person. I passed on being available. Could I have done the favor? Yes. Perhaps with some inconvenience, but I really could have. No, it wasn’t ‘my responsibility’… but it was my opportunity. In a very real way, this is a (Christianity) rubber meeting the road situation. 

  I am always harping on about how Christianity has to be active, alive, visible, engaged and I didn’t even follow my own standard. Did I fail a test? Ummmm… Yes. It’s not that I fear punishment, and I’m not even sure it’s because I missed receiving a blessing, I think the biggest issue is that didn’t follow my own standard. However, an argument could be made that what is at the core is that I disappointed God. Not that He was surprised at what I did, but I did sense disappointment. While I would like to say that I’ll never do that again… I try not to use the word – never. My better me says to learn this lesson (yet again) and purpose not to repeat. 

  And perhaps this is the important point – purposing. Purposing has great value. We read about this ‘quality’ in Daniel and in 2 Corinthians. Daniel (1:8) tells us that Daniel purposed in his heart that we would follow the Lord and not do what wouldn’t be pleasing to Him, regardless of the repercussions. I’m beginning to believe that without a stand to be purposeful, we won’t do what we ‘should’. The context in 2 Corinthians is talking about giving. The purposing in this case also reflects on attitude. We are to purpose – willingly, joyfully and not grudgingly. Another basis on how to develop our own stand(s) on being purposeful.  

  Purposing is an intentional mindset. You determine, prior to any visible challenge, that under no circumstance will you do or not do (fill in the blank). It is one of those lines in the sand that will never be crossed. Do you have any? Will you act strong, resolute, and confidently? No finger pointing… only the questions. I do recommend including in your arsenal of attitudes, purposing. It will strengthen you and provide your needed support to act based on your foundation.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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