Every morning…

  Do you have an ‘every morning’? I do. And now I find that I wouldn’t be comfortable not starting my day this way. It may not be the first thing I do but once I’m somewhat awake, have a cup of coffee at my hand I start my day with the Lord. I have to. A couple of times that I didn’t, for whatever reason, I found that I was just slightly off center… something wasn’t ‘right’. Imagination? Probably not, but for one that doesn’t have a lot in her daily regimen (defined as: a regular course of action), I do tend to adhere to those few I have.

  I suspect an argument could be offered that my morning time is too casual or too ‘familiar’ and not with sufficient respect, but I don’t think so and as long as the Lord hasn’t corrected me I will choose to ignore that appellation. As I was about to start this morning I heard me say to the Lord, “I love you. As much as I know what this word means and how to go about doing it – I love you.” Probably not an earth shattering comment. But it did get me thinking, again, about love and what it means, what it is, and how we go about demonstrating love.

  I remember as a young person that I tended not to use this word unless I had first seen some evidence in my own behavior that what I was saying was truly meant. I also applied, perhaps unfairly, my definition when I heard the words said to me. It wasn’t a ‘prove it’ stance on my part, however if there hadn’t been any attendant behavior associated with those words… I simply dismissed them. And I never replied with a (casual) “I love you too.” One caveat – if it was a child’s comment then I didn’t hold them to my standard.

  But I digress – back to the original questions… do you have a morning regimen? Is it one you developed and is important to you? Or… are you going through the motions because you really haven’t thought about it? I think that if it’s important one does ‘make time and space’ for (fill in the blank). It really is never an issue of how many things/activities you have in your every morning regimen – it’s how you, every morning, approach them. Why you do what you do. And if you don’t have any particular approach… that really is your decision.  

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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