… considering the circumstances

  Precisely… what does that mean ‘…considering the circumstances’? Does it mean that you really aren’t in the best of places? Does it mean – ‘ask me more so I can get some sympathy’? Does it mean – ‘don’t ask me, I don’t want to talk about it’. See? That phrase has all sorts of possible definitions. I have always ‘assumed’ that the phrase was an invitation to seek further clarification … and most of the time it is.

  However, what I’m focusing on is when you use it. Surely it’s not a throw away phrase.? What do you want the listener to say in response to you? And when they press you for more information, how do you react? Self-deprecating? Anger? Fully explain? And after your response… now how do you feel? Because I would suspect that much of our … considering the circumstances, is an emotional response to something in our lives, which has probably not been acknowledged. Obviously, something happened in our world that has or continues to influence what we are feeling. 

  So… do we control our feelings or let ‘the circumstances’ control us? It really is one or the other. Perhaps equally important, what aids us in moving beyond the circumstances to resolving (accepting?) what’s happening? If you are not in a good place, what do you do to move beyond? I suspect we all do a bit of moaning or wallowing at the moment, but then you have to stop and make some decisions about who or what controls you – and that can be difficult when we are caught in the grips of ‘the circumstances’.

  What our first (rational) action/thought in moving beyond the circumstances is quite important. Logical, dispassionate thought is difficult but not impossible. I’m the take a deep breath, try and calm myself, and turn to the Lord for help. He keeps telling us that He cares for us (1Peter 5:7), that He understands (Psalm 33:13-15/Jeremiah 9:24), and that He always provides a way through (1Corinthians 10:13); so why not take Him at His word (Numbers 23:19)? Having someone with you who cares, understands, provides, and is trustworthy gives tremendous relief and strength as we go through our… circumstances.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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